Treated matters

Treated matters

Compensation for Damage and Civil Liability

Personal injury, Defective products, Pharmaceutical products, Blood transfusions and blood products, Personal liability, Defamation in the press, radio and television systems, internet, Injury to consumer rights, Injury to the rights of the saver ...

Business, Contracts and Company

Commercial contracts and related events, M&A, Sale, survey and lease of companies, Due diligence, Franchising, creation and management of related networks, Industrial property, trademarks and patents, Debt collection, Assistance in setting up new companies and in drafting the articles of association, Mergers, divisions and company liquidations …

of Work

Assistance to companies for individual and collective dismissals, Appeals for unfair dismissals, Reintegration in the workplace - compensation for damages, Request for wage differences, Compensation for damages for harassment at work (mobbing), Accidents at work and occupational diseases, Damage to professional image.

Family and Minor Law

Marriage, separation and divorce, assisted negotiation, children in the termination of cohabitation, methods of custody of children, civil unions, cohabitation contracts, recovery of maintenance credit, filiation, parental responsibility and its limitation, adoption ...

Succession and Inheritance Law

Asset fund, Trust, Destination restriction pursuant to art. 2645 ter cc, Trust contract - the Italian trust, Legitimate and testamentary succession and inheritance actions, Living will - DAT.

Asset Management and Real Estate

Analysis of the investment, risks and opportunities, Assistance in negotiations, drafting of purchase or sale contracts, Drafting of rental contracts, Relations with the banking system, Licenses and evictions for terminated lease or arrears.

Administrative law

public works contracts, public concessions of goods, works and services, project financing, from a public point of view, assistance to contracting authorities in the various phases of public tenders, support in the management of procedures and resolution of any critical issues, up to the signing of the contract and at its next execution ...

Privacy and Data Protection

Preliminary analysis of the organization of the activity; Definition of security policies and risk assessment for each service and application; Redefinition of the access structure to company servers based on the roles and authorization levels of each person in charge; Monitoring and preparation of technical measures for the prevention and management of data breach phenomena ...

EU funding and Europlanning

To seize the many opportunities offered by European contributions, the entrepreneur / Client needs to be supported by a professional - the European designer - capable of looking after his interests: from scouting activities, to the drafting of the electronic form up to the management of the activities. reporting and dissemination to potential users ...

Industrial and Intellectual Property

Intellectual and industrial property provides numerous tools for the protection of innovation and the elements that distinguish entrepreneurial activity. The firm is active in protection, consultancy, extrajudicial assistance and litigation in every area of ​​intellectual and industrial property - in particular, in matters of ...
